BIG Dreams

Why is it when you want to take a picture of the clouds,there isn’t a cloud to be found in the sky all day? So, instead of a cloud torepresent BIG Dreams, we’ll just shoot for the moon. It’s too early to get apicture of the stars.

Yesterday I spent some time talking about the necessity towrite down goals, even in retirement. I also mentioned creating structure in myday to accomplish my goals. To get started, let's focus on BIG Dreams.

Time to Reflect

During my reflective period of January and February, I thought about some of the many things I want to do in retirement. I want to paint watercolors, create quilts, create quilt patterns I could sell, to travel and write fiction. I want to keep a blog about my experiences and the things I'm learning and discovering. That's not everything, but you can get the idea there are many things I want to do.

I started by listing some of the big areas I wanted to workon like Writing, creating Artwork, advancing my Genealogy, building my Long ArmQuilting business, writing Quilt Patterns, and Personal Development.

Start Dreaming

Next, I listed the BIG Dream for each area. This took some time. I contemplated questions like:

  • Where do I want to go with this idea?
  • What would I need to accomplish to feelsuccessful in this area?
  • What skills do I currently have in this area?
  • What skills do I need to acquire or developfurther?
  • What knowledge to I need to discover anddevelop?

Once I felt like I had some answers to work with, Iformulated my BIG Dream for each area. Mind you, I know I don't have or knowall that I will need to accomplish my BIG Dreams. I'm not even sure just yetwhat it will take to reach those BIG Dreams. Hey, we're dreaming here, right?This is pie in the sky, shoot for the stars time. So, I went for it. I wrotedown the BIG Dream for each area.

Written Goals

What are your BIG Dreams? Take some time to reflex on the questions listed above. Don't be shy. Think about the nine year-old you. You remember her (or him). It was that kid that knew EVERYTHING they wanted to do with their life and didn't care what any of the adults around them thought about it. Ask that kid.

Now, take out a piece of paper for each Dream and write yourBIG Dream(s) now!

Until next time,


For the Dream, Going Long


Reflecting on Goals for 2020